This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate forest-filecoin


(163 total, 8 outdated, 5 possibly insecure)

 ahash^ to date
 anes^ to date
 argon2^ to date
 async-compression^ to date
 async-fs^22.1.2up to date
 async-trait^ to date
 asynchronous-codec^ to date
 axum^ to date
 backon^11.4.0up to date
 base64^ to date
 bigdecimal^ to date
 blake2b_simd^11.0.3up to date
 bls-signatures^ to date
 blstrs^ to date
 byteorder^11.5.0up to date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 cbor4ii^ of date
 cfg-if^11.0.0up to date
 cfg-vis^ to date
 chrono ⚠️^ insecure
 cid^ of date
 clap^44.5.32up to date
 colored^33.0.0up to date
 crypto_secretbox^ to date
 daemonize-me^22.0.1up to date
 data-encoding^22.8.0up to date
 data-encoding-macro^ to date
 derive_builder^ to date
 derive_more^22.0.1up to date
 dialoguer^ to date
 digest^ to date
 directories^66.0.0up to date
 displaydoc^ to date
 either^11.15.0up to date
 ethereum-types^ to date
 ez-jsonrpc-types^ to date
 fil_actor_account_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_cron_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_datacap_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_eam_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_evm_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_init_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_market_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_miner_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_multisig_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_power_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_reward_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_system_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actor_verifreg_state^1919.1.0up to date
 fil_actors_shared^1919.1.0up to date
 flate2^11.1.0up to date
 fs_extra^11.3.0up to date
 fvm~ to date
 fvm_ipld_blockstore^ to date
 fvm_ipld_encoding^ to date
 fvm_shared~ to date
 gethostname^11.0.0up to date
 git-version^ to date
 group^ to date
 hex^ to date
 hickory-resolver^0.25.0-alpha0.24.4up to date
 http^11.2.0up to date
 human-repr^11.1.0up to date
 human_bytes^ to date
 humantime^22.1.0up to date
 indexmap^22.8.0up to date
 indicatif^ to date
 integer-encoding^ to date
 ipld-core^ to date
 is-terminal^ to date
 itertools^ to date
 jsonrpsee^ to date
 jsonwebtoken^99.3.1up to date
 keccak-hash^ to date
 kubert-prometheus-process^ to date
 lazy-regex^33.4.1up to date
 libsecp256k1^ to date
 lru^ to date
 md-5^ to date
 memmap2^ to date
 memory-stats^11.2.0up to date
 multiaddr^ to date
 multihash-derive^ to date
 multimap^ to date
 nom^78.0.0out of date
 nonzero_ext^ to date
 num^ to date
 num-bigint^ to date
 num-derive^ to date
 num-rational^ to date
 num-traits^ to date
 num_cpus^11.16.0up to date
 nunny^ to date
 once_cell^11.21.0up to date
 openrpc-types^ to date
 parity-db^ to date
 parking_lot^ to date
 pathfinding^44.14.0up to date
 pin-project-lite^ to date
 positioned-io^ to date
 pretty_assertions^11.4.1up to date
 prometheus-client^ of date
 quick-protobuf^ to date
 quick-protobuf-codec^ to date
 rand^ of date
 rand_chacha^ of date
 rand_distr^ of date
 raw_sync_2^ to date
 rayon^11.10.0up to date
 regex ⚠️^11.11.1maybe insecure
 reqwest^ to date
 rlimit^ to date
 rlp^ to date
 rs-car-ipfs^ to date
 schemars^ to date
 scopeguard^11.2.0up to date
 semver^11.0.26up to date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 serde_ipld_dagcbor^ to date
 serde_json^11.0.140up to date
 serde_tuple^11.1.0up to date
 serde_with^33.12.0up to date
 serde_yaml^ to date
 sha2^ to date
 shared_memory^ to date
 similar^22.7.0up to date
 slotmap^11.0.7up to date
 smallvec ⚠️^11.14.0maybe insecure
 smart-default^ to date
 stacker^ to date
 static_assertions^11.1.0up to date
 statrs^ to date
 strum^ to date
 strum_macros^ to date
 tabled^ to date
 tap^11.0.1up to date
 tar ⚠️^ insecure
 tempfile^33.18.0up to date
 tera^11.20.0up to date
 thiserror^22.0.12up to date
 ticker^ to date
 tokio ⚠️^11.44.0maybe insecure
 tokio-stream^ to date
 tokio-util^ to date
 toml^ to date
 tower^ of date
 tower-http^ to date
 tracing^ to date
 tracing-appender^ to date
 tracing-subscriber^ to date
 unsigned-varint^ to date
 url^22.5.4up to date
 uuid^11.15.1up to date
 walkdir^22.5.0up to date
 zstd^ to date
 clap_complete^4.5.464.5.46up to date
 console-subscriber^ to date
 educe^ to date
 mimalloc^ to date
 paste^11.0.15up to date
 tikv-jemallocator^ to date
 tracing-chrome^ to date
 tracing-loki^ to date

Dev dependencies

(25 total, 1 outdated)

 ariadne^ to date
 assert_cmd^22.0.16up to date
 bimap^ to date
 cargo_metadata^ to date
 cbor4ii^ of date
 criterion^ to date
 cs_serde_bytes^ to date
 derive-quickcheck-arbitrary^ to date
 fickle^ to date
 fvm_shared~ to date
 glob^ to date
 http-range-header^ to date
 insta^11.42.2up to date
 num-bigint^ to date
 petgraph^ to date
 predicates^33.1.3up to date
 proc-macro2^11.0.94up to date
 quickcheck^11.0.3up to date
 quickcheck_async^ to date
 quickcheck_macros^11.0.0up to date
 ra_ap_syntax^0.0.2690.0.269up to date
 regex-automata^ to date
 serial_test^33.2.0up to date
 syn^22.0.100up to date
 tokio-test^ to date

Crate forest-interop-tests

No external dependencies! 🙌

Security Vulnerabilities

chrono: Potential segfault in `localtime_r` invocations



Unix-like operating systems may segfault due to dereferencing a dangling pointer in specific circumstances. This requires an environment variable to be set in a different thread than the affected functions. This may occur without the user's knowledge, notably in a third-party library.


No workarounds are known.


smallvec: Buffer overflow in SmallVec::insert_many


A bug in the SmallVec::insert_many method caused it to allocate a buffer that was smaller than needed. It then wrote past the end of the buffer, causing a buffer overflow and memory corruption on the heap.

This bug was only triggered if the iterator passed to insert_many yielded more items than the lower bound returned from its size_hint method.

The flaw was corrected in smallvec 0.6.14 and 1.6.1, by ensuring that additional space is always reserved for each item inserted. The fix also simplified the implementation of insert_many to use less unsafe code, so it is easier to verify its correctness.

Thank you to Yechan Bae (@Qwaz) and the Rust group at Georgia Tech’s SSLab for finding and reporting this bug.

tar: Links in archive can create arbitrary directories


When unpacking a tarball that contains a symlink the tar crate may create directories outside of the directory it's supposed to unpack into.

The function errors when it's trying to create a file, but the folders are already created at this point.

use std::{io, io::Result};
use tar::{Archive, Builder, EntryType, Header};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut buf = Vec::new();

        let mut builder = Builder::new(&mut buf);

        // symlink: parent -> ..
        let mut header = Header::new_gnu();
        builder.append(&header, io::empty())?;

        // file: symlink/exploit/foo/bar
        let mut header = Header::new_gnu();
        builder.append(&header, io::empty())?;



This has been fixed in and is published as tar 0.4.36. Thanks to Martin Michaelis (@mgjm) for discovering and reporting this, and Nikhil Benesch (@benesch) for the fix!

regex: Regexes with large repetitions on empty sub-expressions take a very long time to parse


The Rust Security Response WG was notified that the regex crate did not properly limit the complexity of the regular expressions (regex) it parses. An attacker could use this security issue to perform a denial of service, by sending a specially crafted regex to a service accepting untrusted regexes. No known vulnerability is present when parsing untrusted input with trusted regexes.

This issue has been assigned CVE-2022-24713. The severity of this vulnerability is "high" when the regex crate is used to parse untrusted regexes. Other uses of the regex crate are not affected by this vulnerability.


The regex crate features built-in mitigations to prevent denial of service attacks caused by untrusted regexes, or untrusted input matched by trusted regexes. Those (tunable) mitigations already provide sane defaults to prevent attacks. This guarantee is documented and it's considered part of the crate's API.

Unfortunately a bug was discovered in the mitigations designed to prevent untrusted regexes to take an arbitrary amount of time during parsing, and it's possible to craft regexes that bypass such mitigations. This makes it possible to perform denial of service attacks by sending specially crafted regexes to services accepting user-controlled, untrusted regexes.

Affected versions

All versions of the regex crate before or equal to 1.5.4 are affected by this issue. The fix is include starting from regex 1.5.5.


We recommend everyone accepting user-controlled regexes to upgrade immediately to the latest version of the regex crate.

Unfortunately there is no fixed set of problematic regexes, as there are practically infinite regexes that could be crafted to exploit this vulnerability. Because of this, we do not recommend denying known problematic regexes.


We want to thank Addison Crump for responsibly disclosing this to us according to the Rust security policy, and for helping review the fix.

We also want to thank Andrew Gallant for developing the fix, and Pietro Albini for coordinating the disclosure and writing this advisory.

tokio: reject_remote_clients Configuration corruption


On Windows, configuring a named pipe server with pipe_mode will force ServerOptions::reject_remote_clients as false.

This drops any intended explicit configuration for the reject_remote_clients that may have been set as true previously.

The default setting of reject_remote_clients is normally true meaning the default is also overridden as false.


Ensure that pipe_mode is set first after initializing a ServerOptions. For example:

let mut opts = ServerOptions::new();