This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate habitat_api_client


(16 total, 3 possibly insecure)

 broadcast*0.1.0up to date
 bytes*1.10.1up to date
 chrono ⚠️*0.4.40maybe insecure
 futures*0.3.31up to date
 log^ to date
 pbr*1.1.1up to date
 percent-encoding*2.3.1up to date
 rand*0.9.0up to date
 regex ⚠️*1.11.1maybe insecure
 reqwest*0.12.12up to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 tee*0.1.0up to date
 tokio ⚠️*1.44.0maybe insecure
 tokio-util^ to date
 url*2.5.4up to date

Crate habitat_butterfly


(15 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 byteorder*1.5.0up to date
 bytes*1.10.1up to date
 env_logger*0.11.6up to date
 log^ to date
 lazy_static*1.5.0up to date
 prometheus*0.13.4up to date
 parking_lot*0.12.3up to date
 prost ⚠️*0.13.5maybe insecure
 rand*0.9.0up to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 tempfile*3.18.0up to date
 threadpool*1.8.1up to date
 toml*0.8.20up to date
 uuid*1.15.1up to date

Dev dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 mktemp*0.5.1up to date

Build dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 prost-build*0.13.5up to date

Crate habitat_common


(30 total, 4 possibly insecure)

 async-trait*0.1.87up to date
 bimap*0.6.3up to date
 bitflags*2.9.0up to date
 clap^44.5.31up to date
 dirs*6.0.0up to date
 glob*0.3.2up to date
 handlebars*6.3.1up to date
 lazy_static*1.5.0up to date
 libc*0.2.170up to date
 log^ to date
 native-tls*0.2.14up to date
 safer_owning_ref*0.5.0up to date
 parking_lot*0.12.3up to date
 pbr*1.1.1up to date
 petgraph*0.7.1up to date
 regex ⚠️*1.11.1maybe insecure
 reqwest*0.12.12up to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 serde-transcode*1.1.1up to date
 serde_yaml ⚠️*0.9.34+deprecatedmaybe insecure
 tempfile*3.18.0up to date
 thiserror*2.0.12up to date
 rustls ⚠️*0.23.23maybe insecure
 termcolor*1.4.1up to date
 tokio ⚠️*1.44.0maybe insecure
 toml*0.8.20up to date
 uuid*1.15.1up to date
 valico*4.0.0up to date
 url*2.5.4up to date

Crate habitat_core


(34 total, 9 possibly insecure)

 base64 ⚠️*0.22.1maybe insecure
 blake2b_simd*1.0.3up to date
 chrono ⚠️*0.4.40maybe insecure
 dirs*6.0.0up to date
 dns-lookup*2.0.4up to date
 errno*0.3.10up to date
 glob*0.3.2up to date
 hex*0.4.3up to date
 lazy_static*1.5.0up to date
 libc*0.2.170up to date
 log^ to date
 native-tls*0.2.14up to date
 os_info*3.10.0up to date
 paste*1.0.15up to date
 pem*3.0.5up to date
 pin-project*1.1.10up to date
 rand*0.9.0up to date
 regex ⚠️*1.11.1maybe insecure
 rcgen*0.13.2up to date
 rustls ⚠️*0.23.23maybe insecure
 rustls-pemfile*2.2.0up to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 sodiumoxide ⚠️*0.2.7maybe insecure
 tabwriter*1.4.1up to date
 tar ⚠️*0.4.44maybe insecure
 tempfile*3.18.0up to date
 thiserror*2.0.12up to date
 tokio ⚠️*1.44.0maybe insecure
 tokio-rustls ⚠️*0.26.2maybe insecure
 toml*0.8.20up to date
 url*2.5.4up to date
 rustls-webpki ⚠️*0.103.0maybe insecure
 xz2*0.1.7up to date

Dev dependencies

(3 total, all up-to-date)

 num_cpus*1.16.0up to date
 serde_test*1.0.177up to date
 reqwest*0.12.12up to date

Build dependencies

(2 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 base64 ⚠️*0.22.1maybe insecure
 cc*1.2.16up to date

Crate hab


(33 total, 7 possibly insecure)

 base64 ⚠️*0.22.1maybe insecure
 bitflags*2.9.0up to date
 chrono ⚠️*0.4.40maybe insecure
 ctrlc*3.4.5up to date
 dirs*6.0.0up to date
 env_logger*0.11.6up to date
 flate2*1.1.0up to date
 futures*0.3.31up to date
 glob*0.3.2up to date
 handlebars*6.3.1up to date
 lazy_static*1.5.0up to date
 libc*0.2.170up to date
 log^ to date
 pbr*1.1.1up to date
 reqwest*0.12.12up to date
 rustls ⚠️*0.23.23maybe insecure
 same-file*1.0.6up to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 serde_yaml ⚠️*0.9.34+deprecatedmaybe insecure
 tabwriter*1.4.1up to date
 tar ⚠️*0.4.44maybe insecure
 termcolor*1.4.1up to date
 thiserror*2.0.12up to date
 anyhow*1.0.97up to date
 tokio ⚠️*1.44.0maybe insecure
 toml*0.8.20up to date
 url*2.5.4up to date
 walkdir*2.5.0up to date
 rustls-webpki ⚠️*0.103.0maybe insecure
 tempfile*3.18.0up to date
 clap^44.5.31up to date
 uuid*1.15.1up to date

Crate habitat_http_client


(10 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 base64 ⚠️*0.22.1maybe insecure
 log^ to date
 native-tls*0.2.14up to date
 pem*3.0.5up to date
 httparse*1.10.1up to date
 reqwest*0.12.12up to date
 env_proxy*0.4.1up to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 url*2.5.4up to date

Dev dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 tempfile*3.18.0up to date

Crate habitat-launcher


(8 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 env_logger*0.11.6up to date
 ipc-channel*0.19.0up to date
 libc*0.2.170up to date
 log^ to date
 prost ⚠️*0.13.5maybe insecure
 semver*1.0.26up to date
 thiserror*2.0.12up to date
 anyhow*1.0.97up to date

Crate habitat-launcher-client


(8 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 bincode*2.0.0up to date
 env_logger*0.11.6up to date
 ipc-channel*0.19.0up to date
 libc*0.2.170up to date
 log^ to date
 prost ⚠️*0.13.5maybe insecure
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 thiserror*2.0.12up to date

Crate habitat-launcher-protocol


(3 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 bytes*1.10.1up to date
 prost ⚠️*0.13.5maybe insecure
 serde*1.0.219up to date

Build dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 prost-build*0.13.5up to date

Crate habitat_pkg_export_container


(18 total, 2 possibly insecure)

 base64 ⚠️*0.22.1maybe insecure
 clap^44.5.31up to date
 env_logger*0.11.6up to date
 handlebars*6.3.1up to date
 lazy_static*1.5.0up to date
 linked-hash-map*0.5.6up to date
 log^ to date
 rusoto_core*0.48.0up to date
 rusoto_credential*0.48.0up to date
 rusoto_ecr*0.48.0up to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 tempfile*3.18.0up to date
 termcolor*1.4.1up to date
 tokio ⚠️*1.44.0maybe insecure
 url*2.5.4up to date
 thiserror*2.0.12up to date
 anyhow*1.0.97up to date

Crate habitat_pkg_export_tar


(9 total, 2 possibly insecure)

 clap^44.5.31up to date
 env_logger*0.11.6up to date
 log^ to date
 mktemp*0.5.1up to date
 tokio ⚠️^11.44.0maybe insecure
 anyhow*1.0.97up to date
 tempfile*3.18.0up to date
 tar ⚠️*0.4.44maybe insecure
 flate2*1.1.0up to date

Crate habitat-rst-reader


(3 total, all up-to-date)

 clap^44.5.31up to date
 env_logger*0.11.6up to date
 log^ to date

Crate habitat_sup


(43 total, 8 possibly insecure)

 bytes*1.10.1up to date
 actix-web ⚠️*4.10.2maybe insecure
 actix-http^33.10.0up to date
 actix-rt*2.10.0up to date
 byteorder*1.5.0up to date
 cpu-time*1.0.0up to date
 derivative*2.2.0up to date
 fs2*0.4.3up to date
 futures*0.3.31up to date
 glob*0.3.2up to date
 lazy_static*1.5.0up to date
 libc*0.2.170up to date
 log^ to date
 log4rs*1.3.0up to date
 multimap*0.10.0up to date
 notify*8.0.0up to date
 num_cpus*1.16.0up to date
 parking_lot*0.12.3up to date
 pin-project*1.1.10up to date
 prometheus*0.13.4up to date
 prost ⚠️*0.13.5maybe insecure
 prost-types ⚠️*0.13.5maybe insecure
 rand*0.9.0up to date
 regex ⚠️*1.11.1maybe insecure
 rustls ⚠️*0.23.23maybe insecure
 rustls-pemfile*2.2.0up to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_derive*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 serde_yaml ⚠️*0.9.34+deprecatedmaybe insecure
 serde-transcode*1.1.1up to date
 state*0.6.0up to date
 tempfile*3.18.0up to date
 termcolor*1.4.1up to date
 thiserror*2.0.12up to date
 anyhow*1.0.97up to date
 toml*0.8.20up to date
 tokio ⚠️*1.44.0maybe insecure
 tokio-rustls ⚠️*0.26.2maybe insecure
 tokio-util^ to date
 uuid*1.15.1up to date
 url*2.5.4up to date
 valico*4.0.0up to date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 hyper ⚠️*1.6.0maybe insecure
 reqwest*0.12.12up to date

Build dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 prost-build*0.13.5up to date

Crate habitat-sup-client


(7 total, 3 possibly insecure)

 futures*0.3.31up to date
 log^ to date
 prost ⚠️*0.13.5maybe insecure
 rustls ⚠️*0.23.23maybe insecure
 termcolor*1.4.1up to date
 tokio ⚠️*1.44.0maybe insecure
 tokio-util^ to date

Crate habitat-sup-protocol


(9 total, 3 possibly insecure)

 base64 ⚠️*0.22.1maybe insecure
 bytes*1.10.1up to date
 lazy_static*1.5.0up to date
 log^ to date
 prost ⚠️*0.13.5maybe insecure
 rand^ to date
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 tokio ⚠️*1.44.0maybe insecure
 tokio-util^ to date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, all up-to-date)

 tempfile*3.18.0up to date
 toml*0.8.20up to date

Build dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 prost-build*0.13.5up to date

Crate habitat_win_users


(1 total, all up-to-date)

 log^ to date

Build dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 cc*1.2.16up to date

Crate test-probe


(5 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 actix-rt*2.10.0up to date
 actix-web ⚠️*4.10.2maybe insecure
 serde*1.0.219up to date
 serde_json*1.0.140up to date
 toml*0.8.20up to date

Security Vulnerabilities

base64: Integer overflow leads to heap-based buffer overflow in encode_config_buf


Affected versions of this crate suffered from an integer overflow bug when calculating the size of a buffer to use when encoding base64 using the encode_config_buf and encode_config functions. If the input string was large, this would cause a buffer to be allocated that was too small. Since this function writes to the buffer using unsafe code, it would allow an attacker to write beyond the buffer, causing memory corruption and possibly the execution of arbitrary code.

This flaw was corrected by using checked arithmetic to calculate the size of the buffer.

serde_yaml: Uncontrolled recursion leads to abort in deserialization


Affected versions of this crate did not properly check for recursion while deserializing aliases.

This allows an attacker to make a YAML file with an alias referring to itself causing an abort.

The flaw was corrected by checking the recursion depth.

actix-web: Multiple memory safety issues


Affected versions contain multiple memory safety issues, such as:

  • Unsoundly coercing immutable references to mutable references
  • Unsoundly extending lifetimes of strings
  • Adding the Send marker trait to objects that cannot be safely sent between threads

This may result in a variety of memory corruption scenarios, most likely use-after-free.

A significant refactoring effort has been conducted to resolve these issues.

sodiumoxide: generichash::Digest::eq always return true


PartialEq implementation for generichash::Digest has compared itself to itself.

Digest::eq always returns true and Digest::ne always returns false.

prost: Parsing a specially crafted message can result in a stack overflow


Affected versions of this crate contained a bug in which decoding untrusted input could overflow the stack.

On architectures with stack probes (like x86), this can be used for denial of service attacks, while on architectures without stack probes (like ARM) overflowing the stack is unsound and can result in potential memory corruption (or even RCE).

The flaw was quickly corrected by @danburkert and released in version 0.6.1.

tokio-rustls: tokio-rustls reads may cause excessive memory usage


tokio-rustls does not call process_new_packets immediately after read, so the expected termination condition wants_read always returns true. As long as new incoming data arrives faster than it is processed and the reader does not return pending, data will be buffered.

This may cause DoS.

chrono: Potential segfault in `localtime_r` invocations



Unix-like operating systems may segfault due to dereferencing a dangling pointer in specific circumstances. This requires an environment variable to be set in a different thread than the affected functions. This may occur without the user's knowledge, notably in a third-party library.


No workarounds are known.


prost-types: Conversion from `prost_types::Timestamp` to `SystemTime` can cause an overflow and panic


Affected versions of this crate contained a bug in which untrusted input could cause an overflow and panic when converting a Timestamp to SystemTime.

It is recommended to upgrade to prost-types v0.8 and switch the usage of From<Timestamp> for SystemTime to TryFrom<Timestamp> for SystemTime.

See #438 for more information.

hyper: Lenient `hyper` header parsing of `Content-Length` could allow request smuggling


hyper's HTTP header parser accepted, according to RFC 7230, illegal contents inside Content-Length headers. Due to this, upstream HTTP proxies that ignore the header may still forward them along if it chooses to ignore the error.

To be vulnerable, hyper must be used as an HTTP/1 server and using an HTTP proxy upstream that ignores the header's contents but still forwards it. Due to all the factors that must line up, an attack exploiting this vulnerability is unlikely.

hyper: Integer overflow in `hyper`'s parsing of the `Transfer-Encoding` header leads to data loss


When decoding chunk sizes that are too large, hyper's code would encounter an integer overflow. Depending on the situation, this could lead to data loss from an incorrect total size, or in rarer cases, a request smuggling attack.

To be vulnerable, you must be using hyper for any HTTP/1 purpose, including as a client or server, and consumers must send requests or responses that specify a chunk size greater than 18 exabytes. For a possible request smuggling attack to be possible, any upstream proxies must accept a chunk size greater than 64 bits.

tar: Links in archive can create arbitrary directories


When unpacking a tarball that contains a symlink the tar crate may create directories outside of the directory it's supposed to unpack into.

The function errors when it's trying to create a file, but the folders are already created at this point.

use std::{io, io::Result};
use tar::{Archive, Builder, EntryType, Header};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let mut buf = Vec::new();

        let mut builder = Builder::new(&mut buf);

        // symlink: parent -> ..
        let mut header = Header::new_gnu();
        builder.append(&header, io::empty())?;

        // file: symlink/exploit/foo/bar
        let mut header = Header::new_gnu();
        builder.append(&header, io::empty())?;



This has been fixed in and is published as tar 0.4.36. Thanks to Martin Michaelis (@mgjm) for discovering and reporting this, and Nikhil Benesch (@benesch) for the fix!

regex: Regexes with large repetitions on empty sub-expressions take a very long time to parse


The Rust Security Response WG was notified that the regex crate did not properly limit the complexity of the regular expressions (regex) it parses. An attacker could use this security issue to perform a denial of service, by sending a specially crafted regex to a service accepting untrusted regexes. No known vulnerability is present when parsing untrusted input with trusted regexes.

This issue has been assigned CVE-2022-24713. The severity of this vulnerability is "high" when the regex crate is used to parse untrusted regexes. Other uses of the regex crate are not affected by this vulnerability.


The regex crate features built-in mitigations to prevent denial of service attacks caused by untrusted regexes, or untrusted input matched by trusted regexes. Those (tunable) mitigations already provide sane defaults to prevent attacks. This guarantee is documented and it's considered part of the crate's API.

Unfortunately a bug was discovered in the mitigations designed to prevent untrusted regexes to take an arbitrary amount of time during parsing, and it's possible to craft regexes that bypass such mitigations. This makes it possible to perform denial of service attacks by sending specially crafted regexes to services accepting user-controlled, untrusted regexes.

Affected versions

All versions of the regex crate before or equal to 1.5.4 are affected by this issue. The fix is include starting from regex 1.5.5.


We recommend everyone accepting user-controlled regexes to upgrade immediately to the latest version of the regex crate.

Unfortunately there is no fixed set of problematic regexes, as there are practically infinite regexes that could be crafted to exploit this vulnerability. Because of this, we do not recommend denying known problematic regexes.


We want to thank Addison Crump for responsibly disclosing this to us according to the Rust security policy, and for helping review the fix.

We also want to thank Andrew Gallant for developing the fix, and Pietro Albini for coordinating the disclosure and writing this advisory.

tokio: reject_remote_clients Configuration corruption


On Windows, configuring a named pipe server with pipe_mode will force ServerOptions::reject_remote_clients as false.

This drops any intended explicit configuration for the reject_remote_clients that may have been set as true previously.

The default setting of reject_remote_clients is normally true meaning the default is also overridden as false.


Ensure that pipe_mode is set first after initializing a ServerOptions. For example:

let mut opts = ServerOptions::new();

rustls-webpki: rustls-webpki: CPU denial of service in certificate path building


When this crate is given a pathological certificate chain to validate, it will spend CPU time exponential with the number of candidate certificates at each step of path building.

Both TLS clients and TLS servers that accept client certificate are affected.

We now give each path building operation a budget of 100 signature verifications.

The original webpki crate is also affected.

This was previously reported in the original crate and re-reported to us recently by Luke Malinowski.

rustls: rustls network-reachable panic in `Acceptor::accept`


A bug introduced in rustls 0.23.13 leads to a panic if the received TLS ClientHello is fragmented. Only servers that use rustls::server::Acceptor::accept() are affected.

Servers that use tokio-rustls's LazyConfigAcceptor API are affected.

Servers that use tokio-rustls's TlsAcceptor API are not affected.

Servers that use rustls-ffi's rustls_acceptor_accept API are affected.