This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate webrtc-data


(5 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio^ to date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 log^ to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 portable-atomic^ to date

Dev dependencies

(3 total, all up-to-date)

 tokio-test^ to date
 env_logger^ to date
 chrono^ to date

Crate webrtc-dtls


(29 total, 6 outdated, 2 possibly insecure)

 byteorder^11.5.0up to date
 rand_core^ of date
 hkdf^ to date
 p256^ to date
 p384^ to date
 rand^ of date
 hmac^ to date
 sec1^ to date
 sha1^ to date
 sha2^ to date
 aes^ to date
 cbc^ to date
 aes-gcm^ to date
 ccm^ to date
 tokio^ to date
 async-trait^ to date
 x25519-dalek^22.0.1up to date
 x509-parser^ of date
 der-parser^ of date
 rcgen^ to date
 ring ⚠️^ insecure
 rustls ⚠️^ insecure
 bincode^12.0.1out of date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 subtle^22.6.1up to date
 log^ to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 pem^33.0.5up to date
 portable-atomic^ to date

Dev dependencies

(4 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio-test^ to date
 env_logger^ to date
 chrono^ to date
 clap^34.5.32out of date

Crate examples

Dev dependencies

(14 total, 3 outdated)

 tokio^ to date
 env_logger^ to date
 clap^34.5.32out of date
 hyper^ of date
 tokio-util^ to date
 anyhow^11.0.97up to date
 chrono^ to date
 log^ to date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 serde_json^11.0.140up to date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 rand^ of date
 memchr^ to date

Crate webrtc-ice


(13 total, 2 outdated)

 arc-swap^11.7.1up to date
 async-trait^ to date
 crc^33.2.1up to date
 log^ to date
 rand^ of date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 serde_json^11.0.140up to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 tokio^ to date
 url^22.5.4up to date
 uuid^11.15.1up to date
 waitgroup^ to date
 portable-atomic^ to date

Dev dependencies

(9 total, 2 outdated)

 tokio-test^ to date
 regex^ to date
 env_logger^ to date
 chrono^ to date
 ipnet^22.11.0up to date
 clap^34.5.32out of date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 hyper^ of date
 sha1^ to date

Crate interceptor


(8 total, 2 outdated)

 tokio^ to date
 async-trait^ to date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 rand^ of date
 waitgroup^ to date
 log^ to date
 portable-atomic^ to date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, all up-to-date)

 tokio-test^ to date
 chrono^ to date

Crate webrtc-mdns


(4 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio^ to date
 socket2^ to date
 log^ to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date

Dev dependencies

(3 total, 1 outdated)

 env_logger^ to date
 chrono^ to date
 clap^34.5.32out of date

Crate webrtc-media


(4 total, 2 outdated)

 byteorder^11.5.0up to date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 rand^ of date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, all up-to-date)

 criterion^ to date
 nearly_eq^ to date

Crate rtcp


(2 total, 1 outdated)

 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date

Crate rtp


(6 total, 2 outdated)

 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 rand^ of date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 portable-atomic^ to date
 memchr^ to date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, all up-to-date)

 chrono^ to date
 criterion^ to date

Crate webrtc-sctp


(9 total, 2 outdated)

 arc-swap^11.7.1up to date
 tokio^ to date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 rand^ of date
 crc^ to date
 async-trait^ to date
 log^ to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 portable-atomic^ to date

Dev dependencies

(5 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio-test^ to date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 env_logger^ to date
 chrono^ to date
 clap^34.5.32out of date

Crate sdp


(4 total, 2 outdated)

 url^22.5.4up to date
 rand^ of date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 substring^11.4.5up to date

Dev dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 criterion^ to date

Crate webrtc-srtp


(13 total, 1 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 byteorder^11.5.0up to date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 hmac^ to date
 sha1^ to date
 ctr^ to date
 aes^ to date
 subtle^22.6.1up to date
 tokio^ to date
 log^ to date
 aead^ to date
 aes-gcm^ to date
 openssl ⚠️^0.10.660.10.71maybe insecure

Dev dependencies

(3 total, all up-to-date)

 criterion^ to date
 tokio-test^ to date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date

Crate stun


(10 total, 2 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 tokio^ to date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 url^22.5.4up to date
 rand^ of date
 base64^ to date
 subtle^ to date
 crc^33.2.1up to date
 ring ⚠️^ insecure
 md-5^ to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date

Dev dependencies

(3 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio-test^ to date
 clap^34.5.32out of date
 criterion^ to date

Crate turn


(11 total, 2 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 tokio^ to date
 tokio-util^ to date
 futures^ to date
 async-trait^ to date
 log^ to date
 base64^ to date
 rand^ of date
 ring ⚠️^ insecure
 md-5^ to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 portable-atomic^ to date

Dev dependencies

(6 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio-test^ to date
 env_logger^ to date
 chrono^ to date
 hex^ to date
 clap^34.5.32out of date
 criterion^ to date

Crate webrtc-util


(9 total, 2 outdated)

 tokio^ to date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 async-trait^ to date
 ipnet^ to date
 log^ to date
 rand^ of date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 portable-atomic^ to date

Dev dependencies

(5 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio-test^ to date
 env_logger^ to date
 chrono^ to date
 criterion^ to date
 async-global-executor^23.1.0out of date

Crate webrtc


(23 total, 3 outdated, 2 possibly insecure)

 arc-swap^11.7.1up to date
 tokio^ to date
 log^ to date
 async-trait^ to date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 serde_json^11.0.140up to date
 rand^ of date
 bytes^11.10.1up to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date
 waitgroup^ to date
 regex^ to date
 smol_str^ of date
 url^22.5.4up to date
 rustls ⚠️^ insecure
 rcgen^ to date
 ring ⚠️^ insecure
 sha2^ to date
 lazy_static^ to date
 hex^ to date
 pem^33.0.5up to date
 time^ to date
 cfg-if^11.0.0up to date
 portable-atomic^ to date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, all up-to-date)

 tokio-test^ to date
 env_logger^ to date

Crate hub


(5 total, 1 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 tokio^ to date
 rcgen^ to date
 rustls ⚠️^ insecure
 rustls-pemfile^22.2.0up to date
 thiserror^12.0.12out of date

Crate signal


(5 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio^ to date
 anyhow^11.0.97up to date
 base64^ to date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 hyper^ of date

Security Vulnerabilities

rustls: rustls network-reachable panic in `Acceptor::accept`


A bug introduced in rustls 0.23.13 leads to a panic if the received TLS ClientHello is fragmented. Only servers that use rustls::server::Acceptor::accept() are affected.

Servers that use tokio-rustls's LazyConfigAcceptor API are affected.

Servers that use tokio-rustls's TlsAcceptor API are not affected.

Servers that use rustls-ffi's rustls_acceptor_accept API are affected.

openssl: ssl::select_next_proto use after free


In openssl versions before 0.10.70, ssl::select_next_proto can return a slice pointing into the server argument's buffer but with a lifetime bound to the client argument. In situations where the server buffer's lifetime is shorter than the client buffer's, this can cause a use after free. This could cause the server to crash or to return arbitrary memory contents to the client.

openssl 0.10.70 fixes the signature of ssl::select_next_proto to properly constrain the output buffer's lifetime to that of both input buffers.

In standard usage of ssl::select_next_proto in the callback passed to SslContextBuilder::set_alpn_select_callback, code is only affected if the server buffer is constructed within the callback. For example:

Not vulnerable - the server buffer has a 'static lifetime:

builder.set_alpn_select_callback(|_, client_protos| {
    ssl::select_next_proto(b"\x02h2", client_protos).ok_or_else(AlpnError::NOACK)

Not vulnerable - the server buffer outlives the handshake:

let server_protos = b"\x02h2".to_vec();
builder.set_alpn_select_callback(|_, client_protos| {
    ssl::select_next_proto(&server_protos, client_protos).ok_or_else(AlpnError::NOACK)

Vulnerable - the server buffer is freed when the callback returns:

builder.set_alpn_select_callback(|_, client_protos| {
    let server_protos = b"\x02h2".to_vec();
    ssl::select_next_proto(&server_protos, client_protos).ok_or_else(AlpnError::NOACK)

ring: Some AES functions may panic when overflow checking is enabled.


ring::aead::quic::HeaderProtectionKey::new_mask() may panic when overflow checking is enabled. In the QUIC protocol, an attacker can induce this panic by sending a specially-crafted packet. Even unintentionally it is likely to occur in 1 out of every 2**32 packets sent and/or received.

On 64-bit targets operations using ring::aead::{AES_128_GCM, AES_256_GCM} may panic when overflow checking is enabled, when encrypting/decrypting approximately 68,719,476,700 bytes (about 64 gigabytes) of data in a single chunk. Protocols like TLS and SSH are not affected by this because those protocols break large amounts of data into small chunks. Similarly, most applications will not attempt to encrypt/decrypt 64GB of data in one chunk.

Overflow checking is not enabled in release mode by default, but RUSTFLAGS="-C overflow-checks" or overflow-checks = true in the Cargo.toml profile can override this. Overflow checking is usually enabled by default in debug mode.