This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate sfu


(23 total, 14 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 retty^ of date
 bytes^ to date
 log^ to date
 base64^ to date
 serde^11.0.217up to date
 serde_json^11.0.138up to date
 rand^ of date
 rcgen^ of date
 ring^ to date
 sha2^ to date
 rustls ⚠️^ of date
 url^22.5.4up to date
 hex^ to date
 opentelemetry^ of date
 rtc-shared^ of date
 rtc-sdp^ of date
 rtc-stun^ of date
 rtc-rtp^ of date
 rtc-rtcp^ of date
 rtc-srtp^ of date
 rtc-dtls^ of date
 rtc-sctp^ of date
 rtc-datachannel^ of date

Dev dependencies

(21 total, 5 outdated)

 chrono^0.4.340.4.39up to date
 env_logger^ to date
 clap^ to date
 anyhow^11.0.95up to date
 rouille^ to date
 systemstat^ to date
 opentelemetry_sdk^ of date
 opentelemetry-stdout^ of date
 wg^ of date
 crossbeam-channel^ to date
 ctrlc^ to date
 futures^ to date
 smol^22.0.2up to date
 async-broadcast^ to date
 waitgroup^ to date
 core_affinity^ to date
 num_cpus^ to date
 tokio^1.361.43.0up to date
 tokio-util^ to date
 webrtc^ of date
 hyper^ of date

Security Vulnerabilities

rustls: `rustls::ConnectionCommon::complete_io` could fall into an infinite loop based on network input


If a close_notify alert is received during a handshake, complete_io does not terminate.

Callers which do not call complete_io are not affected.

rustls-tokio and rustls-ffi do not call complete_io and are not affected.

rustls::Stream and rustls::StreamOwned types use complete_io and are affected.