This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate libp2p-core


(25 total, 15 outdated, 5 possibly insecure)

 asn1_der ⚠️^ of date
 bs58^ of date
 ed25519-dalek ⚠️^1.0.0-pre.42.1.1out of date
 either^ to date
 fnv^ to date
 futures^ to date
 futures-timer^33.0.3up to date
 lazy_static^ to date
 libsecp256k1 ⚠️^ of date
 log^ to date
 parity-multiaddr^ of date
 multihash ⚠️^ of date
 multistream-select^ of date
 parking_lot^ of date
 pin-project^ of date
 prost^ of date
 rand^ of date
 ring^ of date
 rw-stream-sink^ of date
 sha2^ of date
 smallvec ⚠️^ insecure
 thiserror^ to date
 unsigned-varint^ of date
 void^11.0.2up to date
 zeroize^11.7.0up to date

Dev dependencies

(3 total, 1 outdated)

 async-std^ to date
 quickcheck^ of date
 wasm-timer^ to date

Security Vulnerabilities

asn1_der: Processing of maliciously crafted length fields causes memory allocation SIGABRTs


Affected versions of this crate tried to preallocate a vector for an arbitrary amount of bytes announced by the ASN.1-DER length field without further checks.

This allows an attacker to trigger a SIGABRT by creating length fields that announce more bytes than the allocator can provide.

The flaw was corrected by not preallocating memory.

multihash: Unexpected panic in multihash `from_slice` parsing code


In versions prior 0.11.3 it's possible to make from_slice panic by feeding it certain malformed input. It's never documented that from_slice (and from_bytes which wraps it) can panic, and its' return type (Result<Self, DecodeError>) suggests otherwise.

In practice, from_slice/from_bytes is frequently used in networking code (for example in rust-libp2p) and is being called with unsanitized data from untrusted sources. This can allow attackers to cause DoS by causing an unexpected panic in the network client's code.

smallvec: Buffer overflow in SmallVec::insert_many


A bug in the SmallVec::insert_many method caused it to allocate a buffer that was smaller than needed. It then wrote past the end of the buffer, causing a buffer overflow and memory corruption on the heap.

This bug was only triggered if the iterator passed to insert_many yielded more items than the lower bound returned from its size_hint method.

The flaw was corrected in smallvec 0.6.14 and 1.6.1, by ensuring that additional space is always reserved for each item inserted. The fix also simplified the implementation of insert_many to use less unsafe code, so it is easier to verify its correctness.

Thank you to Yechan Bae (@Qwaz) and the Rust group at Georgia Tech’s SSLab for finding and reporting this bug.

libsecp256k1: libsecp256k1 allows overflowing signatures


libsecp256k1 accepts signatures whose R or S parameter is larger than the secp256k1 curve order, which differs from other implementations. This could lead to invalid signatures being verified.

The error is resolved in 0.5.0 by adding a check_overflow flag.

ed25519-dalek: Double Public Key Signing Function Oracle Attack on `ed25519-dalek`


Versions of ed25519-dalek prior to v2.0 model private and public keys as separate types which can be assembled into a Keypair, and also provide APIs for serializing and deserializing 64-byte private/public keypairs.

Such APIs and serializations are inherently unsafe as the public key is one of the inputs used in the deterministic computation of the S part of the signature, but not in the R value. An adversary could somehow use the signing function as an oracle that allows arbitrary public keys as input can obtain two signatures for the same message sharing the same R and only differ on the S part.

Unfortunately, when this happens, one can easily extract the private key.

Revised public APIs in v2.0 of ed25519-dalek do NOT allow a decoupled private/public keypair as signing input, except as part of specially labeled "hazmat" APIs which are clearly labeled as being dangerous if misused.