This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate common


(4 total, 1 outdated)

 speedy^ to date
 byteorder^11.5.0up to date
 libc^ to date
 bitflags^12.9.0out of date

Crate lz4-compress


(2 total, 1 outdated)

 byteorder^11.5.0up to date
 quick-error^12.0.1out of date

Crate tikv-jemalloc-sys


(1 total, all up-to-date)

 libc^ to date

Build dependencies

(2 total, all up-to-date)

 cc^ to date
 fs_extra^ to date

Crate bytehound-preload


(11 total, 4 outdated, 2 possibly insecure)

 parking_lot^ to date
 libc^ to date
 sc^ to date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 log^ to date
 glob^ of date
 lru ⚠️^ of date
 goblin^ of date
 smallvec ⚠️^11.14.0maybe insecure
 ahash^ to date
 hashbrown^ of date

Crate cli-core


(23 total, 9 outdated, 4 possibly insecure)

 smallvec ⚠️^11.14.0maybe insecure
 byteorder^11.5.0up to date
 ctrlc^33.4.5up to date
 goblin^ of date
 string-interner^ of date
 cpp_demangle^ of date
 chrono ⚠️^ insecure
 libc^ to date
 log^ to date
 lru ⚠️^ of date
 bitflags^12.9.0out of date
 inferno^ of date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 ahash^ of date
 parking_lot^ to date
 crossbeam-channel^ to date
 rayon^11.10.0up to date
 regex ⚠️^11.11.1maybe insecure
 rhai^11.21.0up to date
 plotters^ to date
 colorgrad^ of date
 serde_json^11.0.140up to date
 derive_more^0.992.0.1out of date

Dev dependencies

(1 total, 1 outdated)

 quickcheck^ of date

Crate bytehound-cli


(4 total, 3 outdated)

 log^ to date
 env_logger^ of date
 structopt^ of date
 tikv-jemallocator^ of date

Crate server-core


(16 total, 8 outdated, 2 possibly insecure)

 log^ to date
 actix^ of date
 actix-web^ of date
 actix-cors^ of date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 serde_json^11.0.140up to date
 serde_derive^11.0.219up to date
 futures^ of date
 serde_urlencoded^ of date
 regex ⚠️^11.11.1maybe insecure
 bytes^ of date
 lru ⚠️^ of date
 parking_lot^ to date
 ahash^ of date
 rayon^11.10.0up to date
 md5^ to date

Build dependencies

(1 total, 1 outdated)

 semalock^ of date

Crate bytehound-gather


(3 total, 1 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 clap^24.5.32out of date
 log^ to date
 chrono ⚠️^ insecure

Crate integration-tests


(5 total, 1 outdated)

 libc^ to date
 attohttpc^ of date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 serde_json^11.0.140up to date
 serde_derive^11.0.219up to date

Crate mimalloc

No external dependencies! 🙌

Crate fast_range_map


(1 total, 1 outdated)

 hashbrown^ of date

Dev dependencies

(4 total, 2 outdated)

 criterion^ of date
 btree-range-map^ of date
 oorandom^11.1.311.1.5up to date
 rangemap^ to date

Crate libmimalloc-sys


(1 total, all up-to-date)

 cty^ to date

Build dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 cc^ to date

Security Vulnerabilities

chrono: Potential segfault in `localtime_r` invocations



Unix-like operating systems may segfault due to dereferencing a dangling pointer in specific circumstances. This requires an environment variable to be set in a different thread than the affected functions. This may occur without the user's knowledge, notably in a third-party library.


No workarounds are known.


smallvec: Buffer overflow in SmallVec::insert_many


A bug in the SmallVec::insert_many method caused it to allocate a buffer that was smaller than needed. It then wrote past the end of the buffer, causing a buffer overflow and memory corruption on the heap.

This bug was only triggered if the iterator passed to insert_many yielded more items than the lower bound returned from its size_hint method.

The flaw was corrected in smallvec 0.6.14 and 1.6.1, by ensuring that additional space is always reserved for each item inserted. The fix also simplified the implementation of insert_many to use less unsafe code, so it is easier to verify its correctness.

Thank you to Yechan Bae (@Qwaz) and the Rust group at Georgia Tech’s SSLab for finding and reporting this bug.

lru: Use after free in lru crate


Lru crate has use after free vulnerability.

Lru crate has two functions for getting an iterator. Both iterators give references to key and value. Calling specific functions, like pop(), will remove and free the value, and but it's still possible to access the reference of value which is already dropped causing use after free.

regex: Regexes with large repetitions on empty sub-expressions take a very long time to parse


The Rust Security Response WG was notified that the regex crate did not properly limit the complexity of the regular expressions (regex) it parses. An attacker could use this security issue to perform a denial of service, by sending a specially crafted regex to a service accepting untrusted regexes. No known vulnerability is present when parsing untrusted input with trusted regexes.

This issue has been assigned CVE-2022-24713. The severity of this vulnerability is "high" when the regex crate is used to parse untrusted regexes. Other uses of the regex crate are not affected by this vulnerability.


The regex crate features built-in mitigations to prevent denial of service attacks caused by untrusted regexes, or untrusted input matched by trusted regexes. Those (tunable) mitigations already provide sane defaults to prevent attacks. This guarantee is documented and it's considered part of the crate's API.

Unfortunately a bug was discovered in the mitigations designed to prevent untrusted regexes to take an arbitrary amount of time during parsing, and it's possible to craft regexes that bypass such mitigations. This makes it possible to perform denial of service attacks by sending specially crafted regexes to services accepting user-controlled, untrusted regexes.

Affected versions

All versions of the regex crate before or equal to 1.5.4 are affected by this issue. The fix is include starting from regex 1.5.5.


We recommend everyone accepting user-controlled regexes to upgrade immediately to the latest version of the regex crate.

Unfortunately there is no fixed set of problematic regexes, as there are practically infinite regexes that could be crafted to exploit this vulnerability. Because of this, we do not recommend denying known problematic regexes.


We want to thank Addison Crump for responsibly disclosing this to us according to the Rust security policy, and for helping review the fix.

We also want to thank Andrew Gallant for developing the fix, and Pietro Albini for coordinating the disclosure and writing this advisory.