This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate kraken


(35 total, 4 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 actix-web~44.10.2up to date
 actix-toolbox~ to date
 actix-files~ to date
 webauthn-rs~ to date
 utoipa~45.3.1out of date
 utoipa-swagger-ui~79.0.0out of date
 argon2~ to date
 sha2~ to date
 clap~44.5.32up to date
 rpassword~77.3.1up to date
 log~ to date
 serde~11.0.219up to date
 serde_repr~ to date
 toml~ to date
 serde_json~11.0.140up to date
 serde_urlencoded~ to date
 chrono>= to date
 bytes~11.10.1up to date
 bytestring~11.4.0up to date
 base64~ to date
 ipnet~22.11.0up to date
 uuid~11.15.1up to date
 tokio>= to date
 futures~ to date
 rand~ of date
 tonic ⚠️~ insecure
 prost~ to date
 prost-types~ to date
 thiserror~22.0.12up to date
 rorm~ to date
 ipnetwork~ of date
 dehashed-rs~ to date
 rcgen~ to date
 url~22.5.4up to date
 image~ to date

Crate kraken-proto


(5 total, 1 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 ipnetwork^ of date
 thiserror^22.0.12up to date
 tonic ⚠️~ insecure
 prost~ to date
 prost-types~ to date

Build dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 tonic-build~ to date

Crate kraken-sdk


(12 total, 1 outdated)

 tokio>= to date
 futures~ to date
 tokio-tungstenite~ to date
 tungstenite~ to date
 tokio-native-tls~ to date
 reqwest~ to date
 serde~11.0.219up to date
 serde_json~11.0.140up to date
 uuid~11.15.1up to date
 ipnetwork~ of date
 thiserror~22.0.12up to date
 log~ to date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, all up-to-date)

 tokio>= to date
 env_logger~ to date

Crate leech


(37 total, 1 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 clap~44.5.32up to date
 regex>= to date
 ipnetwork~ of date
 log~ to date
 env_logger~ to date
 log4rs~11.3.0up to date
 uuid~11.15.1up to date
 byte-unit~55.1.6up to date
 tokio>= to date
 futures~ to date
 tokio-stream~ to date
 itertools~ to date
 tonic ⚠️~ insecure
 prost~ to date
 prost-types~ to date
 serde~11.0.219up to date
 toml~ to date
 serde_json~11.0.140up to date
 chrono>= to date
 url~22.5.4up to date
 once_cell~11.21.1up to date
 rand~ to date
 thiserror~22.0.12up to date
 rorm~ to date
 hickory-resolver~ to date
 surge-ping~ to date
 rlimit~ to date
 reqwest~ to date
 dehashed-rs~ to date
 native-tls~ to date
 tokio-native-tls~ to date
 socket2~ to date
 etherparse~ to date
 nix~ to date
 strum~ to date
 strum_macros~ to date
 tempfile~33.19.0up to date

Crate probe-config


(5 total, 1 outdated)

 thiserror~12.0.12out of date
 serde~11.0.219up to date
 serde_yaml~ to date
 base64~ to date
 hex~ to date

Crate ssl-errors


(7 total, 1 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 thiserror~22.0.12up to date
 log~ to date
 reqwest= of date
 hyper-util= to date
 native-tls~ to date
 openssl ⚠️~ insecure
 tokio>= to date

Security Vulnerabilities

tonic: Remotely exploitable Denial of Service in Tonic



When using tonic::transport::Server there is a remote DoS attack that can cause the server to exit cleanly on accepting a tcp/tls stream. This can be triggered via causing the accept call to error out with errors there were not covered correctly causing the accept loop to exit.

More information can be found here


Upgrading to tonic 0.12.3 and above contains the fix.


A custom accept loop is a possible workaround.

openssl: ssl::select_next_proto use after free


In openssl versions before 0.10.70, ssl::select_next_proto can return a slice pointing into the server argument's buffer but with a lifetime bound to the client argument. In situations where the server buffer's lifetime is shorter than the client buffer's, this can cause a use after free. This could cause the server to crash or to return arbitrary memory contents to the client.

openssl 0.10.70 fixes the signature of ssl::select_next_proto to properly constrain the output buffer's lifetime to that of both input buffers.

In standard usage of ssl::select_next_proto in the callback passed to SslContextBuilder::set_alpn_select_callback, code is only affected if the server buffer is constructed within the callback. For example:

Not vulnerable - the server buffer has a 'static lifetime:

builder.set_alpn_select_callback(|_, client_protos| {
    ssl::select_next_proto(b"\x02h2", client_protos).ok_or_else(AlpnError::NOACK)

Not vulnerable - the server buffer outlives the handshake:

let server_protos = b"\x02h2".to_vec();
builder.set_alpn_select_callback(|_, client_protos| {
    ssl::select_next_proto(&server_protos, client_protos).ok_or_else(AlpnError::NOACK)

Vulnerable - the server buffer is freed when the callback returns:

builder.set_alpn_select_callback(|_, client_protos| {
    let server_protos = b"\x02h2".to_vec();
    ssl::select_next_proto(&server_protos, client_protos).ok_or_else(AlpnError::NOACK)