This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate testcontainers


(14 total, 2 outdated, 2 possibly insecure)

 async-trait^ to date
 bollard^ of date
 bollard-stubs^1.411.41.0up to date
 conquer-once ⚠️^ of date
 futures^ to date
 hex^ to date
 hmac^ to date
 log^ to date
 rand^ to date
 serde^11.0.210up to date
 serde_json^11.0.128up to date
 sha2^ to date
 signal-hook^ to date
 tokio ⚠️^11.40.0maybe insecure

Dev dependencies

(19 total, 14 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 bitcoincore-rpc^ of date
 json^ to date
 lapin^ of date
 mongodb^ of date
 orientdb-client^ to date
 postgres^ to date
 pretty_env_logger^ of date
 rdkafka^ of date
 redis^ of date
 reqwest^ of date
 rusoto_core^0.470.48.0out of date
 rusoto_credential^0.470.48.0out of date
 rusoto_dynamodb^0.470.48.0out of date
 rusoto_s3^0.470.48.0out of date
 rusoto_sqs^0.470.48.0out of date
 spectral^ to date
 tokio ⚠️^11.40.0maybe insecure
 tokio-amqp^ of date
 zookeeper^ of date

Security Vulnerabilities

conquer-once: conquer-once's OnceCell lacks Send bound for its Sync trait.


Affected versions of conquer-once implements Sync for its OnceCell type without restricting it to Sendable types.

This allows non-Send but Sync types such as MutexGuard to be sent across threads leading to undefined behavior and memory corruption in concurrent programs.

The issue was fixed by adding a Send constraint to OnceCell.

tokio: reject_remote_clients Configuration corruption


On Windows, configuring a named pipe server with pipe_mode will force ServerOptions::reject_remote_clients as false.

This drops any intended explicit configuration for the reject_remote_clients that may have been set as true previously.

The default setting of reject_remote_clients is normally true meaning the default is also overridden as false.


Ensure that pipe_mode is set first after initializing a ServerOptions. For example:

let mut opts = ServerOptions::new();