This project contains known security vulnerabilities. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate age


(36 total, 4 outdated, 1 insecure)

 aes^ to date
 aes-gcm^ to date
 age-core^ to date
 base64^ of date
 bcrypt-pbkdf^ to date
 bech32^ of date
 cbc^ to date
 chacha20poly1305^ to date
 cipher^ to date
 console^ to date
 cookie-factory^ to date
 ctr^ to date
 curve25519-dalek^44.1.2up to date
 futures^ to date
 hmac^ to date
 i18n-embed^ to date
 i18n-embed-fl^ of date
 is-terminal^ to date
 lazy_static^11.4.0up to date
 memchr^ to date
 nom^77.1.3up to date
 num-traits^ to date
 pin-project^11.1.5up to date
 pinentry^ to date
 rand^ to date
 rpassword^77.3.1up to date
 rsa ⚠️^
 rust-embed^88.4.0up to date
 scrypt^ to date
 sha2^ to date
 subtle^22.5.0up to date
 web-sys^ to date
 which^46.0.1out of date
 wsl^ to date
 x25519-dalek^22.0.1up to date
 zeroize^11.7.0up to date

Dev dependencies

(9 total, 1 possibly insecure)

 criterion^ to date
 criterion-cycles-per-byte^ to date
 futures-test^ to date
 hex^ to date
 i18n-embed^ to date
 pprof^ to date
 proptest^11.4.0up to date
 test-case^33.3.1up to date
 tokio ⚠️^11.37.0maybe insecure

Security Vulnerabilities

tokio: reject_remote_clients Configuration corruption


On Windows, configuring a named pipe server with pipe_mode will force ServerOptions::reject_remote_clients as false.

This drops any intended explicit configuration for the reject_remote_clients that may have been set as true previously.

The default setting of reject_remote_clients is normally true meaning the default is also overridden as false.


Ensure that pipe_mode is set first after initializing a ServerOptions. For example:

let mut opts = ServerOptions::new();

rsa: Marvin Attack: potential key recovery through timing sidechannels



Due to a non-constant-time implementation, information about the private key is leaked through timing information which is observable over the network. An attacker may be able to use that information to recover the key.


No patch is yet available, however work is underway to migrate to a fully constant-time implementation.


The only currently available workaround is to avoid using the rsa crate in settings where attackers are able to observe timing information, e.g. local use on a non-compromised computer is fine.


This vulnerability was discovered as part of the "Marvin Attack", which revealed several implementations of RSA including OpenSSL had not properly mitigated timing sidechannel attacks.