This project contains known security vulnerabilities. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate msecret


(32 total, 3 outdated, 1 insecure, 2 possibly insecure)

 anyhow^11.0.89up to date
 base64^ of date
 bs58^ to date
 clap^ to date
 crc^33.2.1up to date
 digest^ to date
 ed25519-dalek ⚠️^2.0.0-rc.32.1.1maybe insecure
 elliptic-curve^ to date
 gf256^ to date
 hex^ to date
 hex-literal^ to date
 hkdf^ to date
 hmac^ to date
 k256^ to date
 mnemonic^11.1.1up to date
 num-bigint-dig>= to date
 num-integer^ to date
 num-traits^ to date
 openssl ⚠️>=0.10.550.10.66maybe insecure
 p256^ to date
 rand^ to date
 ripemd^ to date
 rpassword^77.3.1up to date
 rsa ⚠️^
 rust-argon2^12.1.0out of date
 rustyline^1214.0.0out of date
 sha2^ to date
 shellwords^ to date
 signature>= to date
 typenum^11.17.0up to date
 x25519-dalek^2.0.0-rc.32.0.1up to date
 zeroize^ to date

Security Vulnerabilities

ed25519-dalek: Double Public Key Signing Function Oracle Attack on `ed25519-dalek`


Versions of ed25519-dalek prior to v2.0 model private and public keys as separate types which can be assembled into a Keypair, and also provide APIs for serializing and deserializing 64-byte private/public keypairs.

Such APIs and serializations are inherently unsafe as the public key is one of the inputs used in the deterministic computation of the S part of the signature, but not in the R value. An adversary could somehow use the signing function as an oracle that allows arbitrary public keys as input can obtain two signatures for the same message sharing the same R and only differ on the S part.

Unfortunately, when this happens, one can easily extract the private key.

Revised public APIs in v2.0 of ed25519-dalek do NOT allow a decoupled private/public keypair as signing input, except as part of specially labeled "hazmat" APIs which are clearly labeled as being dangerous if misused.

rsa: Marvin Attack: potential key recovery through timing sidechannels



Due to a non-constant-time implementation, information about the private key is leaked through timing information which is observable over the network. An attacker may be able to use that information to recover the key.


No patch is yet available, however work is underway to migrate to a fully constant-time implementation.


The only currently available workaround is to avoid using the rsa crate in settings where attackers are able to observe timing information, e.g. local use on a non-compromised computer is fine.


This vulnerability was discovered as part of the "Marvin Attack", which revealed several implementations of RSA including OpenSSL had not properly mitigated timing sidechannel attacks.

openssl: `MemBio::get_buf` has undefined behavior with empty buffers


Previously, MemBio::get_buf called slice::from_raw_parts with a null-pointer, which violates the functions invariants, leading to undefined behavior. In debug builds this would produce an assertion failure. This is now fixed.