This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate puny2d


(5 total, 4 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 font-loader~ to date
 ttf-parser~ of date
 png~ of date
 lru ⚠️~ of date
 rayon~ of date

Dev dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 microbench~ to date

Security Vulnerabilities

lru: Use after free in lru crate


Lru crate has use after free vulnerability.

Lru crate has two functions for getting an iterator. Both iterators give references to key and value. Calling specific functions, like pop(), will remove and free the value, and but it's still possible to access the reference of value which is already dropped causing use after free.