This project contains 10 outdated main dependencies.

Crate rs_sxcks


(20 total, 10 outdated)

 egui^ of date
 eframe^ of date
 log^ to date
 serde^11.0.219up to date
 reqwest^ of date
 anyhow^1.0.751.0.97up to date
 scraper^ of date
 ego-tree^ of date
 egui_extras^ of date
 image^ of date
 opml^ to date
 uuid^ to date
 feed-rs^ of date
 url^ to date
 ehttp^ of date
 chrono^0.4.310.4.40up to date
 lazy_static^ to date
 regex^ to date
 rfd^ of date
 async-std^ to date