This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate rust-embed


(6 total, 4 outdated, 2 possibly insecure)

 actix-web ⚠️^ of date
 mime_guess^2.0.0-alpha.62.0.4up to date
 rocket^ of date
 rust-embed-impl^ of date
 walkdir^ to date
 warp ⚠️^ of date

Security Vulnerabilities

actix-web: Multiple memory safety issues


Affected versions contain multiple memory safety issues, such as:

  • Unsoundly coercing immutable references to mutable references
  • Unsoundly extending lifetimes of strings
  • Adding the Send marker trait to objects that cannot be safely sent between threads

This may result in a variety of memory corruption scenarios, most likely use-after-free.

A significant refactoring effort has been conducted to resolve these issues.

warp: Improper validation of Windows paths could lead to directory traversal attack


Path resolution in warp::filters::fs::dir didn't correctly validate Windows paths meaning paths like /foo/bar/c:/windows/web/screen/img101.png would be allowed and respond with the contents of c:/windows/web/screen/img101.png. Thus users could potentially read files anywhere on the filesystem.

This only impacts Windows. Linux and other unix likes are not impacted by this.