This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate mysql


(22 total, 7 outdated, 3 possibly insecure)

 bufstream~ to date
 bytes^ to date
 crossbeam^ to date
 flate2^ to date
 io-enum^ to date
 libc^ to date
 lru ⚠️^ of date
 mysql_common^ of date
 named_pipe~ to date
 native-tls^ to date
 once_cell^ to date
 pem^ of date
 percent-encoding^ to date
 rustls ⚠️^ of date
 rustls-pemfile^ of date
 serde^11.0.202up to date
 serde_json^11.0.117up to date
 socket2^ of date
 twox-hash^11.6.3up to date
 url^ to date
 webpki ⚠️^ insecure
 webpki-roots^ of date

Dev dependencies

(5 total, all up-to-date)

 frunk^ to date
 lazy_static^ to date
 rand^ to date
 serde_derive^11.0.202up to date
 time^ to date

Security Vulnerabilities

lru: Use after free in lru crate


Lru crate has use after free vulnerability.

Lru crate has two functions for getting an iterator. Both iterators give references to key and value. Calling specific functions, like pop(), will remove and free the value, and but it's still possible to access the reference of value which is already dropped causing use after free.

webpki: webpki: CPU denial of service in certificate path building


When this crate is given a pathological certificate chain to validate, it will spend CPU time exponential with the number of candidate certificates at each step of path building.

Both TLS clients and TLS servers that accept client certificate are affected.

This was previously reported in and re-reported recently by Luke Malinowski.

webpki 0.22.1 included a partial fix and webpki 0.22.2 added further fixes.

rustls: `rustls::ConnectionCommon::complete_io` could fall into an infinite loop based on network input


If a close_notify alert is received during a handshake, complete_io does not terminate.

Callers which do not call complete_io are not affected.

rustls-tokio and rustls-ffi do not call complete_io and are not affected.

rustls::Stream and rustls::StreamOwned types use complete_io and are affected.