This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate actix-web


(53 total, 26 outdated, 8 possibly insecure)

 actix^ of date
 actix-net^ to date
 askama_escape^ of date
 base64^ of date
 bitflags^ of date
 brotli2^ to date
 byteorder^ to date
 bytes^ of date
 cookie^ of date
 encoding^ to date
 failure^ to date
 flate2^ to date
 futures^ of date
 futures-cpupool^ to date
 h2 ⚠️^ of date
 http ⚠️^ of date
 httparse^ to date
 language-tags^ of date
 lazy_static^ to date
 lazycell^ to date
 log^ to date
 mime^ to date
 mime_guess^2.0.0-alpha2.0.4up to date
 mio^ of date
 native-tls^ to date
 net2^ to date
 num_cpus^ to date
 openssl ⚠️^ insecure
 parking_lot^ of date
 percent-encoding^ of date
 rand^ of date
 regex ⚠️^ insecure
 rustls^ of date
 serde^ to date
 serde_json^ to date
 serde_urlencoded^ of date
 sha1^ of date
 slab^ to date
 smallvec ⚠️^ of date
 time ⚠️^ of date
 tokio ⚠️^ of date
 tokio-current-thread^ to date
 tokio-io^ to date
 tokio-openssl^ of date
 tokio-reactor^ to date
 tokio-rustls^ of date
 tokio-tcp^ to date
 tokio-timer^ to date
 tokio-tls^ of date
 tokio-uds^ to date
 url^ of date
 webpki ⚠️^ of date
 webpki-roots^ of date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, 1 outdated)

 env_logger^ of date
 serde_derive^ to date

Security Vulnerabilities

http: Integer Overflow in HeaderMap::reserve() can cause Denial of Service


HeaderMap::reserve() used usize::next_power_of_two() to calculate the increased capacity. However, next_power_of_two() silently overflows to 0 if given a sufficiently large number in release mode.

If the map was not empty when the overflow happens, the library will invoke self.grow(0) and start infinite probing. This allows an attacker who controls the argument to reserve() to cause a potential denial of service (DoS).

The flaw was corrected in 0.1.20 release of http crate.

http: HeaderMap::Drain API is unsound


time: Potential segfault in the time crate



Unix-like operating systems may segfault due to dereferencing a dangling pointer in specific circumstances. This requires an environment variable to be set in a different thread than the affected functions. This may occur without the user's knowledge, notably in a third-party library.

The affected functions from time 0.2.7 through 0.2.22 are:

  • time::UtcOffset::local_offset_at
  • time::UtcOffset::try_local_offset_at
  • time::UtcOffset::current_local_offset
  • time::UtcOffset::try_current_local_offset
  • time::OffsetDateTime::now_local
  • time::OffsetDateTime::try_now_local

The affected functions in time 0.1 (all versions) are:

  • at
  • at_utc
  • now

Non-Unix targets (including Windows and wasm) are unaffected.


Pending a proper fix, the internal method that determines the local offset has been modified to always return None on the affected operating systems. This has the effect of returning an Err on the try_* methods and UTC on the non-try_* methods.

Users and library authors with time in their dependency tree should perform cargo update, which will pull in the updated, unaffected code.

Users of time 0.1 do not have a patch and should upgrade to an unaffected version: time 0.2.23 or greater or the 0.3 series.


A possible workaround for crates affected through the transitive dependency in chrono, is to avoid using the default oldtime feature dependency of the chrono crate by disabling its default-features and manually specifying the required features instead.



chrono = { version = "0.4", default-features = false, features = ["serde"] }
chrono = { version = "0.4.22", default-features = false, features = ["clock"] }


cargo add chrono --no-default-features -F clock


smallvec: Buffer overflow in SmallVec::insert_many


A bug in the SmallVec::insert_many method caused it to allocate a buffer that was smaller than needed. It then wrote past the end of the buffer, causing a buffer overflow and memory corruption on the heap.

This bug was only triggered if the iterator passed to insert_many yielded more items than the lower bound returned from its size_hint method.

The flaw was corrected in smallvec 0.6.14 and 1.6.1, by ensuring that additional space is always reserved for each item inserted. The fix also simplified the implementation of insert_many to use less unsafe code, so it is easier to verify its correctness.

Thank you to Yechan Bae (@Qwaz) and the Rust group at Georgia Tech’s SSLab for finding and reporting this bug.

tokio: Data race when sending and receiving after closing a `oneshot` channel


If a tokio::sync::oneshot channel is closed (via the oneshot::Receiver::close method), a data race may occur if the oneshot::Sender::send method is called while the corresponding oneshot::Receiver is awaited or calling try_recv.

When these methods are called concurrently on a closed channel, the two halves of the channel can concurrently access a shared memory location, resulting in a data race. This has been observed to cause memory corruption.

Note that the race only occurs when both halves of the channel are used after the Receiver half has called close. Code where close is not used, or where the Receiver is not awaited and try_recv is not called after calling close, is not affected.

See tokio#4225 for more details.

regex: Regexes with large repetitions on empty sub-expressions take a very long time to parse


The Rust Security Response WG was notified that the regex crate did not properly limit the complexity of the regular expressions (regex) it parses. An attacker could use this security issue to perform a denial of service, by sending a specially crafted regex to a service accepting untrusted regexes. No known vulnerability is present when parsing untrusted input with trusted regexes.

This issue has been assigned CVE-2022-24713. The severity of this vulnerability is "high" when the regex crate is used to parse untrusted regexes. Other uses of the regex crate are not affected by this vulnerability.


The regex crate features built-in mitigations to prevent denial of service attacks caused by untrusted regexes, or untrusted input matched by trusted regexes. Those (tunable) mitigations already provide sane defaults to prevent attacks. This guarantee is documented and it's considered part of the crate's API.

Unfortunately a bug was discovered in the mitigations designed to prevent untrusted regexes to take an arbitrary amount of time during parsing, and it's possible to craft regexes that bypass such mitigations. This makes it possible to perform denial of service attacks by sending specially crafted regexes to services accepting user-controlled, untrusted regexes.

Affected versions

All versions of the regex crate before or equal to 1.5.4 are affected by this issue. The fix is include starting from regex 1.5.5.


We recommend everyone accepting user-controlled regexes to upgrade immediately to the latest version of the regex crate.

Unfortunately there is no fixed set of problematic regexes, as there are practically infinite regexes that could be crafted to exploit this vulnerability. Because of this, we do not recommend denying known problematic regexes.


We want to thank Addison Crump for responsibly disclosing this to us according to the Rust security policy, and for helping review the fix.

We also want to thank Andrew Gallant for developing the fix, and Pietro Albini for coordinating the disclosure and writing this advisory.

h2: Resource exhaustion vulnerability in h2 may lead to Denial of Service (DoS)


If an attacker is able to flood the network with pairs of HEADERS/RST_STREAM frames, such that the h2 application is not able to accept them faster than the bytes are received, the pending accept queue can grow in memory usage. Being able to do this consistently can result in excessive memory use, and eventually trigger Out Of Memory.

This flaw is corrected in hyperium/h2#668, which restricts remote reset stream count by default.

openssl: `openssl` `X509VerifyParamRef::set_host` buffer over-read


When this function was passed an empty string, openssl would attempt to call strlen on it, reading arbitrary memory until it reached a NUL byte.

webpki: webpki: CPU denial of service in certificate path building


When this crate is given a pathological certificate chain to validate, it will spend CPU time exponential with the number of candidate certificates at each step of path building.

Both TLS clients and TLS servers that accept client certificate are affected.

This was previously reported in and re-reported recently by Luke Malinowski.

webpki 0.22.1 included a partial fix and webpki 0.22.2 added further fixes.

h2: Resource exhaustion vulnerability in h2 may lead to Denial of Service (DoS)


An attacker with an HTTP/2 connection to an affected endpoint can send a steady stream of invalid frames to force the generation of reset frames on the victim endpoint. By closing their recv window, the attacker could then force these resets to be queued in an unbounded fashion, resulting in Out Of Memory (OOM) and high CPU usage.

This fix is corrected in hyperium/h2#737, which limits the total number of internal error resets emitted by default before the connection is closed.

h2: Degradation of service in h2 servers with CONTINUATION Flood


An attacker can send a flood of CONTINUATION frames, causing h2 to process them indefinitely. This results in an increase in CPU usage.

Tokio task budget helps prevent this from a complete denial-of-service, as the server can still respond to legitimate requests, albeit with increased latency.

More details at "

Patches available for 0.4.x and 0.3.x versions.