This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate rpki


(14 total, 8 outdated, 3 possibly insecure)

 base64^ of date
 bcder ⚠️^ of date
 bytes^ of date
 chrono ⚠️^ insecure
 derive_more^ of date
 log^ to date
 openssl ⚠️^ insecure
 quick-xml^ of date
 ring^ of date
 serde^1.0.951.0.200up to date
 slab^ to date
 untrusted^ of date
 unwrap^ to date
 uuid^ of date

Dev dependencies

(1 total, all up-to-date)

 serde_json^1.0.401.0.116up to date

Security Vulnerabilities

chrono: Potential segfault in `localtime_r` invocations



Unix-like operating systems may segfault due to dereferencing a dangling pointer in specific circumstances. This requires an environment variable to be set in a different thread than the affected functions. This may occur without the user's knowledge, notably in a third-party library.


No workarounds are known.


openssl: `openssl` `X509VerifyParamRef::set_host` buffer over-read


When this function was passed an empty string, openssl would attempt to call strlen on it, reading arbitrary memory until it reached a NUL byte.

bcder: BER/CER/DER decoder panics on invalid input


Due to insufficient checking of input data, decoding certain data sequences can lead to bcder panicking rather than returning an error. This can affect both the actual decoding stage as well as accessing content of types that utilized delayed decoding.

bcder 0.7.3 fixes these issues by more thoroughly checking inputs and returning errors as expected.