This project might be open to known security vulnerabilities, which can be prevented by tightening the version range of affected dependencies. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate nifti


(9 total, 6 outdated, 1 possibly insecure)

 byteorder^ to date
 derive_builder^ of date
 flate2^ to date
 ndarray>=0.10.12, < of date
 num^ of date
 num-derive^ of date
 num-traits^ to date
 quick-error^ of date
 safe-transmute ⚠️^ of date

Dev dependencies

(2 total, 2 outdated)

 approx^ of date
 pretty_assertions^ of date

Security Vulnerabilities

safe-transmute: Vec-to-vec transmutations could lead to heap overflow/corruption


Affected versions of this crate switched the length and capacity arguments in the Vec::from_raw_parts() constructor, which could lead to memory corruption or data leakage.

The flaw was corrected by using the constructor correctly.