This project contains known security vulnerabilities. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate lock_api


(3 total, 1 insecure)

 owning_ref ⚠️^
 scopeguard^ to date
 serde^1.0.1261.0.217up to date

Security Vulnerabilities

owning_ref: Multiple soundness issues in `owning_ref`


  • OwningRef::map_with_owner is unsound and may result in a use-after-free.
  • OwningRef::map is unsound and may result in a use-after-free.
  • OwningRefMut::as_owner and OwningRefMut::as_owner_mut are unsound and may result in a use-after-free.
  • The crate violates Rust's aliasing rules, which may cause miscompilations on recent compilers that emit the LLVM noalias attribute.

safer_owning_ref is a replacement crate which fixes these issues. No patched versions of the original crate are available, and the maintainer is unresponsive.