This project contains known security vulnerabilities. Find detailed information at the bottom.

Crate cursive


(16 total, 1 outdated, 2 insecure)

 ahash^ to date
 bear-lib-terminal^22.0.0up to date
 cfg-if^11.0.0up to date
 crossbeam-channel^ to date
 crossterm^ to date
 cursive_core^ to date
 lazy_static^11.5.0up to date
 libc^ to date
 log^ to date
 maplit^ to date
 ncurses ⚠️^
 pancurses ⚠️^
 signal-hook^ to date
 termion^44.0.4up to date
 unicode-segmentation^11.12.0up to date
 unicode-width^ of date

Dev dependencies

(4 total, 1 outdated)

 pretty-bytes^ to date
 rand^ of date
 serde_json^1.0.851.0.140up to date
 serde_yaml^ to date

Security Vulnerabilities

pancurses: Format string vulnerabilities in `pancurses`


pancurses::mvprintw and pancurses::printw passes a pointer from a rust &str to C, allowing hostile input to execute a format string attack, which trivially allows writing arbitrary data to stack memory.

ncurses: Buffer overflow and format vulnerabilities in functions exposed without unsafe


ncurses exposes functions from the ncurses library which:

  • Pass buffers without length to C functions that may write an arbitrary amount of data, leading to a buffer overflow. (instr, mvwinstr, etc)
  • Passes rust &str to strings expecting C format arguments, allowing hostile input to execute a format string attack, which trivially allows writing arbitrary data to stack memory (functions in the printw family).